Human trafficking

As part of the literature review, describe ways researchers in the discipline have approached the problem and the strengths and weaknesses inherent in their approaches. Review and synthesize studies related to human trafficking to produce a description of what is known about them, what is controversial, and what remains to be studied.

Articles to be reviewed:
Barnert, E., Iqbal, Z., Bruce, J., Anoshiravani, A., Kolhatkar, G., & Greenbaum, J. (2017). Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Children and Adolescents: A Narrative Review. Academic Pediatrics, 17(8), 825829.

Cannon, A. C., Arcara, J., Graham, L. M., & Macy, R. J. (2018). Trafficking and Health: A Systematic Review of Research Methods. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 19(2), 159175.

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