Human Resources

I would need you to talk in more details on the topic/issue/ I will provide you in the word document.
It should be divided in the following parts:
1)Issues Identified 250 WORDS
details of the issue that have been identified, how the issues relate to the challenges faced and the effects these issues may be having on the organisation.
specific points from the case study should be highlighted.(use citation to the case study)
2)Theoretical Justification (400 words)
Refer to theories and research studies that are relevant to the issue identified.
Analyse theory and research for each of the issues identified, there should be a minimum of three subsections.
To structure the justification refer to following questions:
Can the research/theory help to explain the current situation the organisation is facing?
Can the research/theory help to explain how the issue may be impacting organizational performance?
Can the research/theory help to explain how the issue may be resolved?
Can the research/theory help to explain how addressing the issue may improve organizational performance?
Research should include at least last 5 years. 
mini literature review. (PROVIDED IN THE WORD DOCUMENT, needs to be more developed)
3) Recommendations for Improvement (approx. 200 words)
Make specific recommendations to the organisation on how to resolve the issue. Must be logically and clearly related to previous analysis of the case and the research/theories identified.
Should highlight the rationale for recommendations and include resources or data (or reference to resources/ data).(PROVIDED IN THE WORD DOCUMENT, needs to be more developed)

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