Social Organizations and Core Competencies

“Social Organizations and Core Competencies”  Please respond to the following: Minimal 3-4 paragraphs. Then respond in one paragraph to the additional post.

Investigate the importance of effective change leadership in relation to an organizations adoption of social media initiatives. Next, suggest two (2) ethical issues that a CIO may encounter when implementing social media initiatives. Propose (1) strategy for addressing each identified issue. Provide a rationale for your response.

Select three (3) of the twelve (12) core competencies for IT professionals from Chapter 14 of the Roberts text. Rank each one (1) according to its importance for IT professionals to possess in order to develop their careers and compete in the job market. Justify your ranking.

Once that section is completed, respond in one paragraph to the post below. State if you agree or disagree and the reasoning why. You may also add on to the conversation.


Effective change leadership is important when an organization is adopting social media initiatives because it enables IT to focus on the culture of the company groups instead of only the implementation.  Standard IT implementation follows a more linear path through the change process, but while social media needs to ensure success by relating and generating buy-in from the different stakeholders. The experimenting with the social media also allows IT to determine if it will be successful prior to full implementation.

A CIO may encounter several ethical issues when implementing social media initiatives in an organization such as having an open forum where users can say just about anything and having confidential data leaked. One strategy that could help counter users being unfiltered in what they say is to implement training for the user prior to allowing them access to the tool. By making sure the user is aware of what is not allowed (vulgar content, attacking posts, etc.). Also, to ensure that users do not upload or divulge any confidential data, training of course on data security, but using a DLP or similar tool to police data transference could prevent unintended leaks.

Of the 12 core competencies, being a problem-solver is a skill that should be a priority for companies. Technical skill is a must but having an IT engineer that does not stop at every difficulty that comes along and is constantly working on solutions to problems. Another priority core attribute that companies should value is the ability to collaborate with other teams. Many times, IT departments work in a silo and fails to collaborate to ensure success of a technology, but having a team member that works with upstream and downstream teams adds value and success to implementations. Lastly, having IT engineers that can communicate openly and clearly to management and other teams will only benefit a company. Communication is key creating valid requirements, building bridges with clients, and collaborating with other teams.

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