Issues and Trends in the Health Professions

Each student will find a newspaper, journal, or magazine article regarding health care services that has been in the news  within the past 6 weeks, however, more current articles will tend to earn a higher score for topic selection. The news item may be on any health services issue but needs to be timely and pertinent to the topics that will be covered this semester in this course. You may refer to the Table of Contents in the course text to guide your selection of an article for the “Current Event” activities.

Post a knowledgeable summary of the item in the assignment discussion and include your opinion and/or additional supporting facts. There should be only one posting per student. You do not need to respond to the postings of others students but you will benefit from reviewing the posted summations as articles may be randomly selected each class session for discussion purposes.

Do not post the actual article or news item; instead, provide a link to the article so that the information in the news item can be reviewed by the instructor and accessed by interested students.

Current Event Assignment Guidelines:

Your discussion of the news event must be of sufficient length to permit the instructor to assess your understanding of the subject matter.

Students are expected to demonstrate sufficient understanding of the implications of the news event and a thorough comprehension of the objectives for this activity.

Make certain that your article relates to the objectives of this course and that your summation emphasizes the relevance of the information to one of the topics to be covered this semester.

The activity will be scored based on the rubric posted for the Current Event Assignment.

Do NOT post the actual article or news item.

Provide a reference or link at the conclusion of your summation that can be used to access the article or news item for the instructors review of content.

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