531 (4) Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy, Goals, and Objectives

Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy, Goals, and Objectives

For this section, you will walk through the components needed to develop a logic model. Begin by developing a hypothesis statement for a program that you would like to develop in your community. For example, assume that in providing existing services, the needs of Latino students, who made up 16% of the high school population, were overlooked. Speculate with some if/then thinking about what might form the foundation of program hypotheses to meet the needs of these students.
Please respond to the following:

1.    What is your hypothesis statement, and what is the social problem your program is addressing?
2.    What are the multiple causal factors that contribute to the social problems related to your hypothesis?
3.    Write out a goal statement for this program.
4.    Identify and describe the purpose and outcome objectives for this proposed program. Be sure to explain how the outcome objective meets the needs of the target population.
5.    Explain services (interventions or activities) or outputs that would help meet this outcome.


Please read the following chapters in the text:  Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: an effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). SAGE.
    Chapter 1: Contemporary Issues in Human Service Program Planning and Administration
o    Focus on the section titled, The Logic Model.
    Chapter 6: “Selecting the Appropriate Intervention Strategy”
    Chapter 7: Setting Goals and Objectives
    Chapter 8: Designing Effective Programs
o    Begin your reading in the section titled, Designing Effective Programs.

Chapter 6 will introduce you to the process of selecting an appropriate intervention strategy. In this chapter, you will explore how programs are formulated, hypothesizing, and the strategy for choosing an appropriate level of intervention. You will also explore the idea of consequences as well as the incorporation of problem analysis into the program hypothesis.
Chapter 7 explores the purposes and criteria for a goal statement. You will also explore the relationship between agency mission and program goals and objectives, the parts of a complete objective, the components of an outcome, and how process objectives and activities work together.
Further, the selected readings in Chapters 1 and 8 and the supplemental resources will describe the components of a logic model, a visual map or diagram of an entire program proposal. The logic model is a framework that has been very influential and helpful in understanding the basic concepts associated with effectiveness-based program design and planning.

Additionally, please review the resources below:

Unrau, Y. A., Gabor, P. A., & Grinnell Jr., R. M. (2007). Evaluation in social work: The art and science of practice (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
    Chapter 3: Designing Client-Centered Programs (Attached)

Web Resource
Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas. (n.d.). Section 1. Developing a logic model or theory of change. Community Tool Box. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/logic-model-development/example

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